10 Things Anime Fans Want to See in Delico’s Nursery Act 2

Delico’s Nursery, the recent J.C. Staff anime about vampiric fathers grappling with the ropes of parenthood, is returning for its second act this Wednesday, October 16. Fans have been hyped the past week after the release of Act 2’s trailer, as it shows several curiosity-piqueing snippets from future episodes as well as unveils the faces of two more characters that could be integral to the anime’s unraveling mysteries.

The audience of Delico’s Nursery has been itching for the continuation of this intensifying gothic fantasy, as episode 6 left off with Pendulum readying an attack on the Vlad estate, where the young children of the four main characters are waiting to be reunited with their fathers. Aside from the safety and happiness of anime’s most adorable vampire babies, there are many things that fans are dying to see in the coming episodes.

10 Pendulum’s Exact Goal has Yet to be Unveiled

What Exactly are the Anime’s Antagonist Hoping to Gain?

Members of Pendulum stand on rooftop in Delico's Nursery

Pendulum is the group that is responsible for the series of murders that Dali Delico and his four colleagues have been tasked with investigating. They have been killing off vampires in the name of the “True Vamp,” who is considered to be the god of the vampire race. As a result, Pendulum’s actions are surmised to be the propaganda of religious zealots.


This Vampiric Fantasy is a Promising New Anime

Delico’s Nursery is one of the newest Summer 2024 anime and shows a lot of promise as a season hit for many reasons.

However, so far, the true goals of Pendulum have remained a mystery. They’re after the location of the True of Vamp, which is heavily safeguarded by the Vlad Agency, but the exact reasons why have not been expressly stated. Dali and his friends can only predict disaster, as the True of Vamp is a highly sensitive being that can affect the hearts and minds of every vampire in existence.

9 What is the Deal With Professor Klaus?

Delico’s Nursery has Yet to Show Klaus’ Relevance to the Plot

A close up shows part of Professor Klaus' face in Delico's Nursery opening

Professor Klaus is a character that has, thus far, been given very little screen time. Despite that, he is obviously important to the plot in some way, as the show makes it a point to cut away from the main characters to specifically focus on Klaus and his habit of gazing up at the skies above him, which many around him find quite odd.

It’s obvious that Klaus isn’t all there; he always seems to be lost in his own world and, for some reason, looking up at the sky for extended periods of time. Many fans (who have yet to dive into the rest of the TRUMP series’ lore) have speculated that this daydreaming professor may be the True of Vamp or have a connection to it in some way, as his appearances in the intro of Act 1 suggest that he is definitely more than what he seems.

8 What Happens to Johannes Vlad?

The Act 2 Trailer of Delico’s Nursery Does not Show a Happy Ending for Johannes

Johannes Vlad is questioned in Delico's Nursery act 2 trailer

Pendulum has been targeting Johannes Vlad, the head of the Vlad Agency, ever since they realized that every member of the organization has been placed under his Initiative. This prevents the agency members from leaking information about the True of Vamp, and so Pendulum has sought to either kill or kidnap Johannes in order to finally figure out the True of Vamp’s location.

The trailer for Act 2 reveals that Pendulum was successful in capturing Johannes, and they appear to already be questioning him. To add, the trailer also shows many members of the Vlad Agency wearing all black clothing—an indication that they are in mourning. This means that someone integral to the organization has died. And as the organization’s leader, Johannes Vlad’s fate is looking very grim.

7 The Mysterious Boy of Delico’s Nursery Shows up Again

Delico Fans Have no Idea who This Possibly Important Character Is

Fans of Delico’s Nursery might have noticed the appearance of an angry, dark-haired boy in the opening credits that play at the beginning of every episode. So far, this boy has yet to be seen in any part of the actual unfolding story (though he does bear some resemblance to the vampire that bit Dali’s wife), which leads to the audience wondering just who this child could be.


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He appears again in the trailer for Act 2, but alongside him is an unnamed girl who seems to have been a part of this mysterious boy’s past. Nothing in the trailer indicates a connection to any known characters yet, but her fate could very well be the reason for the dark and wrathful look known in the young boy’s eyes during the opening.​​​​​​​

6 Dino Needs to Realize That he is Not a Good Father

Dino is the Furthest Behind in Parental Development

Dino Classico and Henrique Lorca contemplate Dali’s offer.

As a member of the vampiric aristocracy, Dino Classico is a proud man who holds himself up to high standards. Judging from his slouch and the dark circles beneath his eyes, he dedicates many late nights to performing his duty as the head of the Classico family and as a member of the Vlad Agency. He has little time for anything else—not even a moment to spare for his own son.

Dino has unwittingly placed the same amount of pressure that he puts on himself onto the small shoulders of poor 7-year-old Theodore, who has been experiencing the severe hallucinations indicative of a premature Cocoon Phase. And Dino—who pays very little attention to him— was oblivious of his son’s struggles until episode 6. Hopefully, being enlightened about Theodore’s situation will allow him some much-needed growth as a father.

5 Fans Want to See the Vampire Children Safe with Their Fathers

Delico’s Nursery Needs to Have a Happy Ending for the Children (but the Likelihood is Slim)

Raphael Delico admits that he just wanted his father's attention in Delico's Nursery

In episode 6 of Delico’s Nursery, the vampire children manage to arrive safely at the estate of Johannes Vlad, thanks to the help of Pendulum member, Kiki. After having been notified of their children’s location, Dali and the rest of the vampiric fathers quickly set out to reunite with them. However, the episode ends with Kiki and her cohorts readying to lay siege to the Vlad mansion.

The trailer for Act 2 of Delico’s Nursery shows that the children have ended up in the clutches of Pendulum, which means that Dali and his colleagues were unable to save them from Pendulum’s attack. This only spells out a future, and likely desperate, search for the children that may lead to an eventual battle between Pendulum’s members and Dali’s team. Hopefully, the odds will be in the vampiric fathers’ favor.

4 Raphael’s Struggle Must See a Resolution

Dali Needs to Acknowledge and Validate the Feelings of his Eldest Son

Raphael Delico gets upset with his father in Delico's Nursery

Raphael Delico has been harboring a growing resentment toward his baby brother, Ul, due to the constant attention that Ul receives from their father. This jealousy has caused a rift between Dali and his eldest son and has also led to Raphael kidnapping Ul from his crib in an attempt to make their father upset.


10 Best Tropes In Vampire Anime

Anime is particularly receptive to when it comes to vampire fiction, but some series take advantage of the subgenre’s various bloody tropes!

While Raphael doesn’t truly mean Ul any harm, it was his decision to wander off from Clara’s townhouse that led to him and the other children falling into danger. As a small child, Raphael can hardly be placed at fault, but hopefully Dali will see the error of his ways and realize that he needs to give both his boys the love and attention that they need.

3 What Happened to Angelico Fra’s Mother?

The Anime has yet to say Anything about Gerhard’s Spouse

An image shows Gerhard Fra with his son, Aneglico, crying in the background in Delico's Nursery

So far, Delico’s Nursery has shown the full family situation of nearly all four of the vampiric fathers. Dali is a single father who recently lost his wife, Frida. Henrique is still married to Kate, with whom he shares a decently amicable relationship. And Dino appears to have been divorced at least three times over. The only person who has yet to have any light shed on their marriage situation is Gerhard Fra.

Gerhard doesn’t appear to have a spouse, though the reason why is unclear. Episode 4, “A Curse Called Love,” suggests that his situation could be similar to Dali Delico’s, in which he also suffered the tragic loss of his marriage partner and was left alone with a child to care for.

2 Theodore Needs to Receive his Father’s Affection

The Classico Father-Son Pair Has Many Issues to Resolve

Theodore Classico is taunted by his imaginary friends in Delico's Nursery

Theodore Classico has been causing fans of Delico’s Nursery a lot of worry ever since the show revealed just how neglected and overlooked he was by his father. And the stuffed animals that he’s been hallucinating, which constantly taunt him about his desire for his father’s attention, have only led to greater concerns each time these hallucinations intensify.

Fans simply want to see Theodore finally say yes to acting like the child he still is and receive the love and attention he’s desperately been craving, especially from the one person who matters most to him—his father. Now that Dino seems to have had a small realization of his own faults as a parent, perhaps Theodore will finally get what he’s been needing all along.

1 What and Who Exactly is the True of Vamp?

The True of Vamp is Treated More like a Weapon Than a God

An image illustrates the Dangers of the True of Vamp in Delico's Nursery

The True of Vamp is the center of conflict within the story of Delico’s Nursery as well as the MacGuffin of the entire TRUMP franchise. It is described as the progenitor of the vampire race, considered to be its god. Yet it also seems to be treated like an object that anyone can get their hands on to weaponize against vampiric society, especially when it is often referred to as “it” by the characters.


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The identity of the True of Vamp has yet to be revealed, and the truth of it remains a mystery as it has apparently been hidden away by the Vlad Agency. However, the only thing that is certain is that it has absolute influence over the minds of every vampire in the world, which makes it dangerous in the hands of the wrong people.

Delico’s Nursery is available for streaming on Cruchyroll.